Our team

Meet the dedicated team behind Velor, passionate about creating sustainable cyclewear that combines performance, comfort, and environmental responsibility. Together, we strive to innovate and inspire a greener future in cycling.

  • Tom Leezer

    The way we currently do cyclewear is not sustainable at all. It's a take, make, and waste model, and that's just not working. But as a cycling enthusiast and nature lover, I want to help create a better, more circular model. I may only be a small part of the solution, but every little bit counts, right?

  • Peter Roozemond

    Velor combines three of the things that excite me the most: circularity, cycling, and materials science. With the team that we have, I believe we are truly in a unique position to make an impact on the cycling industry. Let's do it!

  • Florian Jardin

    Has spent the last decade in various roles in purchasing, sustainability, and product management in corporate and start-up environments. Besides being a passionate trail runner, he also picked up cycling.

  • Mickaël Jardin

    Has a career of over 20 years in purchasing in corporate environment in various roles and has been an avid cyclist for more then 25 years.

  • Frank Arendsen

    Being the owner of Pedaleur bikes, he has been working for 30 years in the mobility sector and has a huge passion for cycling and sustainable products.